Ruth Miles, Executive Administrator at NACCC, reached out to us on behalf of the MATCHMothers charity and brought their website to our attention. After reviewing it, we at Parent Help have no doubt that MatchMothers is doing an incredible job and can provide significant help to mothers facing the challenging experience of being separated from their children. Therefore, we are happy to introduce MatchMothers in our blog.
MatchMothers Is Here for YOU
MatchMothers is a charity dedicated to offering non-judgmental support and information to mothers separated from their children under various circumstances. The organization upholds the belief that children have a basic human right to remain part of a loving, nurturing family network for life, regardless of how many times that family re-forms or where their mothers live.
Their Members
The members of MatchMothers include those who share parenting responsibilities and those with little or no contact with their children. Mothers find themselves apart from their children for numerous reasons, such as:
Divorce and family breakdown
Parental alienation
False allegations of harm
Child abductions
Special Guardianship Orders (SGOs)
Public law proceedings
Private law proceedings
You Are Not Alone
MatchMothers exists to support any mother separated from her child for any reason. They offer a helpline, MATCHLINE, providing help, support, and advice.
MATCHLINE: 0800 689 4104
Free Confidential Support for Mothers Apart:
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
MatchMothers offers non-judgmental support and information to mothers in a variety of circumstances, from those sharing parenting to those with minimal contact. The organization emphasizes that children have the right to remain part of a loving and nurturing family network throughout their lives.
Charitable Mission
The primary aim of MatchMothers is the preservation and protection of good mental health for mothers living apart from their children. They achieve this through the provision of information, advice, and support.
Supporting Mothers Apart from Their Children
In the UK, the number of mothers living apart from their children is greater than one might expect. This situation can be difficult for outsiders to understand, often leading to feelings of isolation for these mothers.
Variations in Contact
Members of MatchMothers have varying degrees of contact with their children. Some have no contact, while others have regular shared contact. There are mothers who rarely see their children due to estrangement or parental alienation, and some only communicate via phone, Skype, Facebook, text, or email due to distance, domestic abuse, social services intervention, or international abduction.
Respect and Dignity
No matter the reason for being apart, MatchMothers understands the complex pain this separation can cause. The organization treats every mother with dignity and respect, regardless of age, race, orientation, circumstances, or the level of contact with their children.
Comprehensive Support
MatchMothers provides a supportive community for mothers experiencing the overwhelming emotions associated with separation from their children. The team is experienced, sympathetic, and understanding, with many having gone through similar situations.
Your Support Matters
Generous donations and support are crucial for funding MatchMothers' work, including training, maintaining the helpline, providing therapy, and offering additional support to mothers in need. Donations help ensure that mothers without a home or financial resources can still see their children.
MatchMothers appreciates any and all support they receive, making a significant difference in the lives of mothers and their children.